Author Topic: [REL]eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.5]  (Read 9927 times)

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Offline Lucarella

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[REL]eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.5]
« on: Mon 26 April 2010, 19:44 »

eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.5]

Code: [Select]
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.5

CHANGE: Increased space for displaying number of clients on queue [Stulle]
CHANGE: Place news feeds dir in config base dir instead of executable dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rewrote drawing code of ServerListCtrl like official in other lists [Stulle]
+ fixes some bugs (e.g. auto resize on dbl click) and adds functionality
FIX: + not showing before "All Directories" in SharedDirsTreeCtrl [Stulle]
+ rewrote passing of params for inserting the item for VS10
FIX: Server icon not drawn in ServerWndCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: Compilation of zlib and IP2Country on Visual Studio 2003 SP1 [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around Category tabs/buttons on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around closeable (search result) tabs on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Possible crash around Equal Chances For Each file in UploadListCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: PartFileFlushThread was not terminated properly in all cases [WiZaRd]
FIX: Sorting of score column in DownloadClientsCtrl was partially broken [TimDzang]
FIX: Collection double extension fix was rendered useless [CB]
FIX: Possible bug around FlushBuffersExceptionHandler(CFileException* error) [WiZaRd]
FIX: Connection Wizard did not start after being selected in 1stTimeWizard [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official ul/dl ratio restrictions (entirely handled by ZZ ratio now) [Stulle]

« Last Edit: Tue 02 November 2010, 14:22 by Raid »

Offline Raid

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Re: [REL]eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.2]
« Reply #1 on: Fri 02 July 2010, 19:48 »

eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.2]

Code: [Select]
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2
03-06-2010 *HOTFIX*

Fixed: Crash bug in ip2country [Stulle]
Fixed: Improper localization of Weekly IP2Country update checkbox [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.1

ADD: Weekly update option for ip-to-country.csv file [Stulle]
ADD: Working Windows Firewall settings for Vista and above in installer [Stulle]
ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
CHANGE: Increase size for displaying strings in Morph First Start Wiz [Stulle]
CHANGE: Display log warnings on error auto updating ipfilter rar file [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show cat name for scheduler cat actions in preferences window [Stulle]
CHANGE: Label value for weekly update consistently [Stulle]
CHANGE: Cat related scheduler items are added with -1 (All) value [Stulle]
CHANGE: Update GUI when reloading share via scheduler [Stulle/WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Make user data dir default config dir for installer on Vista and above [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow to show Default tab seperately on Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Do not show file names if Web Interface user may not see according cat [Stulle]
+ Applies to all files in incoming dir of cat unless an allowed cat has same dir
FIX: Download of large files was broken [Stulle]
FIX: Compiling settings for VS03 in emule_site_config.h [Stulle]
FIX: Some typos in ressource strings [Heiler]
FIX: Fake check via fakes list was not working [WiZaRd]
+ thanks for the brainstorming, exchange of ideas and cleaner solution!
FIX: Fakes list could not handle entries with huge file sizes (>uint32) properly [Stulle]
FIX: Country flags did not work in DownloadClientsListCtrl [morph4u]
FIX: Setting for PowerShare limit was not limited [jerryBG]
FIX: webservice.dat entry for peerates file stats [Motor]
FIX: Windows Firewall settings for XP/ Server 2003 in installer [Stulle]
FIX: Lang files weren't installed properly if location of datafiles wasn't default [Stulle]
REMOVED: Some unused code around the Slot Limiter (limit to number) [evcz]
REMOVED: webservice.dat entries for now defunct donkeyfakes links [Motor]
REMOVED: Redundant quotation marks in installer [Stulle/thx Heiler]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [Rajil]


Offline Raid

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Re: [REL]eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.3]
« Reply #2 on: Fri 02 July 2010, 19:58 »

eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.3]

Code: [Select]
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.3

ADD: Option to enable background color FakeAlyzer indication for searches [Stulle]
ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
ADD: Copy files from bin package config to used config dir [Stulle]
ADD: Turkish translation for installer [omeringen]
ADD: "No to all" option for backup nagging dialog in Backup window [Stulle]
CHANGE: Made sorting for client status (QR,...) more like official [Stulle]
CHANGE: Made SafeHash ready for new AICH based file identifier (like official) [Stulle]
CHANGE: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters [Stulle]
+ This caused own selection to be ignored!
CHANGE: Don't block HTTP sources via DeadSourceList [Avi-3k]
CHANGE: Increase space for strings in Morph Update windows [Stulle]
FIX: Rehashing of file on receiving unusable AICH hashset reply [Stulle]
FIX: Possible icon size related error when loading flag icons [WiZaRd]
FIX: A4AF swapping aborted download and caused sources to not be reasked within 20 minutes [Stulle]
FIX: Wrong file name mentioned in Startup sound error logging [Stulle]
FIX: libpng warnings when compiling [moloko+]
REMOVED: Some code around the sorting by score in QueueListCtrl [Stulle]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [xilolee]; Turkish [omeringen]; Spanish [Rajil]


Offline Raid

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Re: [REL]eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.5]
« Reply #3 on: Tue 02 November 2010, 14:20 »

eMule 0.50a [MorphXT 12.0]

Code: [Select]
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0

Merged to 0.50a [Stulle]
CHANGE: update libping to 1.41 [Stulle]
ADD: Visual Studio 2008 project files and solution [Stulle]
ADD: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation [Stulle]
ADD: Settings removed from official eMule to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
ADD: Some more Tooltips for the preferences [Stulle]
ADD: Icon for "Pause when preview possible" menu entry [Stulle]
ADD: Find menu and OnLvnGetDispInfo to History list [zz_fly]
ADD: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: Option to restrict user from downloading files via multiuser webserver [Stulle]
ADD: Option to set level of optimization for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Some more optimizations for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Localization for NTService logging [Stulle]
ADD: Adjustable NT Service Strings [Stulle]
ADD: Fakealyzer [netfinity]
ADD: Display progress percentage for chunk details and sort chunk details by them [Stulle]
+ Note: This might cause weird results if client switches requested chunks or
does not download blocks sequentially.
ADD: Chunk details column in DownloadClientsListCtrl [SiRoB/JvA (idea)/Stulle]
ADD: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle]
ADD: New preferences.ini-only settings to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
CHANGE: Disable FollowTheMajority if file is renamed in Shared Files Dialog [Stulle]
CHANGE: General settings dialog has been revised to achieve original layout [Stulle]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToHexString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToBinaryString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Improved filetype sorting in History list [zz_fly]
CHANGE: Improved reading of Webserver template [Stulle]
CHANGE: User priviliges for multiuser Webserver [Stulle]
+ Guest: Viewing information from webinterface
+ Operator: Adding/Removing downloads and according to other settings
+ Admin: Like Operator plus privilege to close eMule
+ Hi-Admin: Like Admin plus privilege to shutdown/reboot windows
CHANGE: Improved Failed Login Screen and Login Screen of Webserver [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved UPnP info display [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved setting of the preferences window title for tabbed Webserver panel [Stulle]
CHANGE: Sort client progressbars by percentage finished [Stulle]
CHANGE: Stretch chunk always to column width for chunk details [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved upload state sorting for additional information [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved sorting for Download State in ClientListCtrl [TAHO]
CHANGE: Allow searching for client name via key strokes in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
+ started searching at A4AF info until now
CHANGE: Set read-only instead of system attribute for custom incoming/temp dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle]
CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly asian.. leechers) [zz_fly]
FIX: Properly localize some Advanced Preferences (official) [Stulle]
FIX: (Official) Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Don't publish incomplete small files [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Possibly crash fix on ShowComment [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
FIX: Display all time requests in History list [zz_fly]
FIX: Some bugs in the Webserver templates [Stulle]
FIX: Bad login handling for Webserver [Stulle]
FIX: multiSort in Search List [Xman]
FIX: Localization of tabs in Webserver panel [Stulle]
FIX: Don't reset Connection Settings without reason [Stulle]
FIX: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
FIX: Wrong custom folder icon was displayed [Stulle]
FIX: CRC32 recalculate commando in SharedFilesWnd did not work properly [Stulle]
FIX: Setting HideOS for files was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle]
FIX: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle]
FIX: Min Upload setting triggered nagging popup when Upload Capacity set to 1 kB/s [Stulle]
FIX: Setting appropriate settings for NTservice did not work properly [Stulle]
REMOVED: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build (redundant) [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official changes for high upload speed in favor for more advanced MorphXT code [Stulle]
REMOVED: New official Ask-On-Exit Dialog in favor of Morph's one (NTService) [Stulle]
REMOVED: "MorphXT 9.7" workaround [Stulle]
REMOVED: Unusued ressource strings [Stulle]
REMOVED: AppleJuice detection [Xman/Anonymous Anti-Leecher]
REMOVED: ZZUL addition that sometimes caused crashes on receiving OP_FILESTATUS [Stulle]
REMOVED: Dupe USS settings in Extended settings panel [Stulle]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Heaven]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Idro182/Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Dutch [leuk_he]; Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [guijarrelson/Rajil]



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