Author Topic: [0.50A] SharkX v2.0  (Read 12904 times)

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Offline taz

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[0.50A] SharkX v2.0
« on: Fri 31 December 2010, 06:46 »

Hi  my friends  :wub:,

It's about time for SharkX to return, however it's not close to it's previous versions.
From now on SharkX won't be a vanilla mod (I'm not that skilled, nor "my statement" is that different from all existing mods), it's based on eMuleFuture and it's likely future SharkX versions will continue that path.

Last words before change log and links :

1. Leechers detection and treatment : since there's no official dictation about right and wrong regarding mod name or nicks - there's no real harm done by mod/nick fakers/thieves or ghost as such. As such those are just trying to take advantage of unfair benefits given by some mods (which should be punished for giving such advantages). It's likely that such mods are doing other stuff that is harming ed2k - for that they should be punished, so being just a mod/nick fakers/thieves makes one suspicious. Suspected and leechers mods do not enjoy PowerShare with SharkX and since from time to time they tend to introduce themselves as "new" (by changing modstr) they are treated upon such changes as starting a new session (loose waiting time). Friends are not treated as leechres or suspected.
2. Anyone downloading from us (really - not just being in upload list "dying" since we stopped sharing the file he was downloading) won't be able to get into queue before releasing the slot. If he "wishes" to release the slot (by asking for another file - and it's not really about our upload files priorities, even more true if we support "a separate queue" for each file) - ... well he won't be stopped
3. Due to main toolbar changes (mainly IRC removed) : clean install is recommended, or at least remove of the line containing ToolbarSetting from preferences.ini before using SharkX v2.0 for the 1'st time.

Changelog :
Code: [Select]
SharkX v2.0 Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a]

remove IRC
remove scheduler
remove webserver
remove peer cache & URL client [netfinity/taz]
remove EMF Toolbar
add official toolbar (no skins only bitmaps)
remove WebBrowser
change sorting upload slots logic [taz] - ReSortUploadSlots is called only upon file priority (and or PS) change
add Mod home - open forum based on selected mod language
add check user hash [DLP]
add 80% score for non SI clients [Xman]
remove score punish for Nick/Mod thieves & Mod fakers [taz]
add zero wait time each new identification for Mod thief/faker [taz] - "new" session
add no PowerShare for leechers [taz]
change PowerShare selection on SharedFilesCtrl - back to previous style
change CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions as failed (Xman's idea) - too easy for leechers to go clean [taz]
add FakeAnalyzer [netfinity]
add One-queue-per-file [Maella (idea bloodymad)]
change from client datarate selection to number of slots [taz]
add Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold [Spike2]
add Version Check [Stulle/taz] + splahed version [taz]
replace country name to Remote Queue Status [Yun.SF3/IceCream] on upload list
change 1'st time wizard : most values are now loaded from preferences [taz]
add Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries [Stulle]
add protect static servers [Mighty Knife]
add Nice Hash [CB/WiZaRd]
add Don't allow file hot swapping [taz/Xman/idea Maella] : it's not about our file UL priorities, rather on client position in queue
add mask out main toolbar buttons in preferences due to IRC removal
fix remove duplicate deletes for ICS & AntiHideOS [Gear]
fix storing AutoHL options selection

Italian translation by Raid bundled with BIN !

Download links (will be updated later on) :

BIN (eMule0.50a-SharkX_v2.0B2-BIN.rar) : @DarkForge

SRC (eMule0.50a-SharkX_v2.0-SRC.7z) : @DarkForge

Happy new year   :smile:
« Last Edit: Fri 31 December 2010, 16:19 by taz »

Offline Raid

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Re: [0.50A] SharkX v2.0
« Reply #1 on: Fri 31 December 2010, 18:50 »
thx taz for updating download link, today I discovered a bug on forum core, and I had to fix it :sdentato:

sharkx 2.0 is rolling nice as ever, tomorrow we will have stats

happy new year


my stats
Code: [Select]
Collected by SharkX User using SharkX v2.0 (based on eMule0.50a)

Basic System Infos:
|--> Nick: SharkX User
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.0
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.0
|--> OS: Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 3
|--> CPU Infos:
|--> CPU (Usage): 937MHz (27%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 247.53 MB (60.05 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 7.03 GB


Emule Settings:
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 20.00 KB/s (Limit: 20.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 150.00 KB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 300
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 64291 UDP: 30265
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

Mod Settings:
|--> SOTN: Adjustable per file
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Enabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Reserve 1 slot
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

ClientAnalyzer Stats:
|--> Nickthieves: 0
|--> Modthieves: 2
|--> File fakes: 57
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 12
|--> Fast asks: 229
|--> Spams: 1
|--> FastXS: 478
|--> Mod fakes: 7

Suspected User Hashes Stats:
|--> AJ: 123
|--> Community: 244
|--> Corrupt: 265
|--> Bad: 0

Upload Stats:
|--> Upload Time: 17:17 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 19.97 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 16.31 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 20.12 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 16.30 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 990.93 MB
|--> Active uploads: 6
|--> Waiting Uploads: 570

Download Stats:
|--> Download Time: 17:15 Hours (99.8%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 32
|--> Download-Speed: 49.52 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 48.11 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 156.87 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 48.12 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 2.86 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1380
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 1311
|--> Asking: 1
|--> Connecting: 1
|--> No needed parts: 0
|--> Asked for another file: 63
|--> Queue Full: 3
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 76

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.95
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 28.35 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 11
|--> Number of Downloads: 10
|--> Completed Downloads: 0
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 1405 (96.6%) : 5 (0.3%) : 45 (3.1%)
|--> Download Sessions: 6652
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 5693 (85.58%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 959 (14.42%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 246
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 224 (91.06%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 22 (8.94%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

« Last Edit: Mon 03 January 2011, 10:19 by Raid »

Offline SS1900

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Re: [0.50A] SharkX v2.0
« Reply #2 on: Sun 09 January 2011, 19:21 »
Code: [Select]
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.0 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.0
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.0
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (5%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (376.59 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.08 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 3
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 638
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 127
|--> Fast asks: 1961
|--> Spams: 38
|--> FastXS: 17303
|--> Mod fakes: 45

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 1471
|--> Community: 2427
|--> Corrupt: 4609
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 25 Minutes (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 90.00 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 77.76 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 115.48 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 87.89 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 6.52 GB
|--> Active uploads: 10
|--> Waiting Uploads: 4803

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 22 Minutes (99.7%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 50
|--> Download-Speed: 196.77 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 204.67 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 627.24 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 206.75 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 17.17 GB
|--> Found Sources: 5283
|--> Too many connections: 118
|--> On Queue: 4653
|--> Asking: 1
|--> Connecting: 9
|--> No needed parts: 217
|--> Asked for another file: 3428
|--> Queue Full: 193
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 83

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.63
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 680.52 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 839
|--> Number of Downloads: 127
|--> Completed Downloads: 12
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 8424 (95.2%) : 186 (2.1%) : 239 (2.7%)
|--> Download Sessions: 4280
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 3507 (81.94%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 773 (18.06%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1234
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1086 (88.01%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 148 (11.99%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***


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