Author Topic: [REL] eMule 0.50a [ScarAngel v4.0]  (Read 13625 times)

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Offline Raid

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[REL] eMule 0.50a [ScarAngel v4.0]
« on: Sun 13 March 2011, 09:50 »
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.0

Code: [Select]
eMule v0.50a Scarangel v4.0
- 11.03.2011 -
based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.0 compiled with vs2010 SP1
Merged to eMule v0.50a [Stulle]
Updated with code from zz_fly's Xtreme

Added: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: More advanced official settings [Stulle] - Stulle

Changed: Reworked coloring of windows (fixes some tab controls on Vista/7) [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Grouping of advanced official settings [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Refined dislpaying reasons for download limits in StatusBar [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Auto join Morph IRC help channel [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Improved picking correct download limit [Stulle] - Stulle
+ Might be a little more restrictive but is is also cleaner

Fixed: Reboot in webserver invoked shutdown instead of reboot [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Setting HOS was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: AutoUpdateIP2Country differed on loading and saving preferences [jerryBG] - Stulle
Fixed: Localization of Scarangel Settings was incomplete [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Bad graph label display when Source Graph was disabled [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Crashfix for reloading share via ASFU under certain circumstances [WiZaRd] - Stulle
Fixed: Current window was not entirely redrawn on changing window color [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: DLP version number was not updated on manual update in settings [Stulle] - Stulle

Removed: New official Ask-On-Exit Dlg in favor of Scarangel one (NTService) [Stulle] - Stulle

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; French [jamjam]; Spanish [RaJil/mself563];
Italian [xilolee/EvolutionCrazy]; Turkish (partially) [omeringen]
Note: Added existing Czech Scarangel translations to Czech translation file

Download Mirrors:

Server.met - Server-List - IPFilter - Skins - eMule Wiki - Nodes.dat (eMule KAD)
« Last Edit: Sun 13 March 2011, 09:59 by Raid »

Offline SS1900

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.50a [ScarAngel v4.0]
« Reply #1 on: Thu 21 April 2011, 07:25 »
Code: [Select]

eMule v0.50a [ScarAngel v4.0] Statistics [SS1900]

   Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 3.04
   Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 3.04
   Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 3.28
         Uploaded Data: 6.65 GB / 7.94 GB
         Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
         Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 7
         Total Uploads: 9
         Waiting Uploads: 5630
         Upload Sessions: 1382
            Total successful upload sessions: 1332 (96.38%) (active: 9, socket: 404, completed: 773, cancelled/ended: 45, different file: 1, exception: 0,blocking: 100, others: 0)
            Total failed upload sessions: 50 (3.62%) (socket: 28, completed: 0, cancelled/ended: 22, different file: 0, exception: 0,blocking: 0, others: 0)
            Average Uploaded Per Session: 5.11 MB
            Average upload time: 11:00 Minutes
         Total Overhead (Packets): 121.15 MB (2.15 M)
            File Request Overhead (Packets): 44.64 MB (1.21 M)
            Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 8.31 MB (30.96 k)
            Server Overhead (Packets): 409 KB (2.29 k)
            Kad Overhead (Packets): 30.44 MB (435.83 k)
            Obfuscation: 26.01 MB
         Downloaded Data: 20.19 GB / 22.29 GB
         Completed Downloads: 39
         Active Downloads (chunks): 54
         Found Sources: 3005
         Download Sessions: 4654
            Successful Download Sessions: 4005 (86.1%) (active: 54, paused: 9, no needed part: 339, timeout: 926, socket: 976, out of part: 1701, exception: 0, others: 0)
            Failed Download Sessions: 649 (13.9%) (paused: 2, no needed part: 113, timeout: 75, socket: 452, out of part: 7, exception: 0, others: 0)
            Average Downloaded Per Session: 5.16 MB
            Average Download Time: 20:22 Minutes
         Gained Due To Compression: 469.80 MB (2.3%)
         Lost Due To Corruption: 20.86 MB (0.1%)
         Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 3
         Total Overhead (Packets): 147.50 MB (3.67 M)
            File Request Overhead (Packets): 76.60 MB (2.86 M)
            Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 7.15 MB (11.63 k)
            Server Overhead (Packets): 64 KB (474)
            Kad Overhead (Packets): 27.43 MB (356.92 k)
            Obfuscation: 26.93 MB
         Reconnects: 1
         Active Connections (estimate): 247 (Half:4 | Compl:32 | Other:211)
         Average Connections (estimate): 242
         Peak Connections (estimate): 383
         Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
         Upload-Speed: 88.3 KB/s
         Average Uploadrate: 80.3 KB/s
         Max Upload Rate: 112.7 KB/s
         Max Average Upload Rate: 85.8 KB/s
         Download-Speed: 345.7 KB/s
         Average Downloadrate: 243.8 KB/s
         max. Downloadrate: 657.4 KB/s
         Max Downloadrate Average: 300.6 KB/s
Time Statistics
   Statistics last reset: 12/03/2011 07:06:09
   Time Since Last Reset: 39 Days 23:19 Hours
      Runtime: 1 Days 6 Minutes
      Transfer Time: 1 Days 5 Minutes (99.9%)
         Upload Time: 1 Days 5 Minutes (99.9%)
         Download Time: 1 Days 4 Minutes (99.8%)
      Current Server Duration: 10:50 Hours (44.9%)
      Total Server Duration: 1 Days 5 Minutes (99.9%)
   Projected Averages
   Known Clients: 8063
   Firewalled (Kad)
   Low ID: 4225 (52.4%)
   Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 7795 (96.7%) : 141 (1.7%)
   Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
   Banned: 101
   Filtered: 2471
   Leecher-Hits: 5600
   Mods: 812 (10.1%)
   Countries: 67
   Working Servers: 5
   Failed Servers: 1
   Deleted Servers: 0
   Total: 6
   Total Users: 244.57 k
   Total Files: 42.98 M
      Max. Working Servers: 6
      Max. Users Online: 396.85 k
      Max. Files Available: 99.11 M
Shared Files
   Number of Shared Files: 903
   Average file size: 849.45 MB
   Largest Shared File: 8.73 GB
   Total size of Shared Files: 749.08 GB
Disk Space
   Number of Downloads: 139
   Total Size of Downloads: 185.82 GB
   Total Completed Size: 59.42 GB (32%)
   Total Size Left to Transfer: 126.40 GB
   Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.025 TB
   Additional Space Needed for Downloads: 30.55 GB


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