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User:Blood Sugar Formula Review50

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Facts about Type-2 diabetes This type of diabetes Blood Sugar Formula occurs with the lack of insulin or when there's irregular process of the way the insulin is being provided to the body. This typically starts to occur as the overweight person is around 40 years old already. You would notice the symptoms of this illness through frequent urination, unusual increase of appetite, getting thirsty most of the time, numbness, irritability, vaginal infections that are recurring, and depression.

Type 2 diabetes death is caused by heart disease. Usually, people with this type of diabetes have bad LDL cholesterol which is on higher level than a person not having such illness. Also, people with such illness usually have less good HDL cholesterol. But this lackness can be aided with the supplement of fish oil. Study shows that with the help of fish oil supplement the level of good HDL cholesterol can actually increase.

Omega 3 to the rescue Diabetes Care, a publication, released certain findings that explained how diabetics who have abnormalities in their cholesterol level with the omega 3 supplement in the diet. In that certain study, 42 adult diabetics were randomly given either a corn oil fake pill or 4 grams of fish oil with DHA and EPA for eight weeks.