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User:Tinnitus Terminator Review

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There are a few old remedies out there from the older Tinnitus Terminator generation to cure tinnitus. Eating spinach and other good food sources of zinc is considered to be a cure for ear ringing that works. Another one I've heard is to use one drop of onion juice in each ear three times a week. I prefer the homeopathic cures because they are a personal course of action to take. If you choose to beat your condition you will find your own cure that works best for you.

There are many medical universities around the world studying and researching in the hope of finding a cure for Tinnitus. If you have been diagnosed with this affliction then more than likely you are looking for a way to cure it and finally be rid of that ringing in your ears. Some doctors claim that Surgery is the only cure for tinnitus. I disagree. Surgery is not always effective. It is important to note that surgery can cause damage. Surgery may help with your tinnitus, but you will also likely lose some of your hearing.

Some people think medication is a cure for tinnitus. There are several different medications doctors prescribe, but most often, depression or anti anxiety medication is used. Medication can lessen your symptoms, but there are also side effects that come with taking medication. When you are looking for a cure for tinnitus you need to understand what it is. Tinnitus (from the Latin tinnitus or "ringing") is a condition characterized by ringing, swishing, or other noises that appear to be originating in the ear or head. This condition can lead to additional problems such as, fatigue, stress, sleep problems, concentration difficulty, memory problems, depression, anxiety and irritability.