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User:Up N Go Energy Review 3

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With this information, it's clear that there are bad and Up N Go Energy good fats and oils. The good ones are found in fish oil. Apart from the health-benefits mentioned above, fish oil still has many advantages to offer.

First, consuming foods having fish oil has long-term benefits for the heart. A study in Athens showed that a diet rich in fish leads to lower levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein, parameters used in assessing the risks of blood vessel inflammation. Another study in Perth, Australia demonstrates that fish oil consumption also helps reduce blood pressure. Second, fish oil plays an integral part in diets for quick weight loss. Studies done by the University of Western Australia revealed that high fish consumption improves one's glucose tolerance and prevents obesity.

Third, fish oil can also combat respiratory problems. For individuals suffering from asthma, they are less inclined to be active. Recent findings state that 20 to 25 percent of children suffer from asthma, and this is highly influenced by a diet rich in linoleic acid. On the other hand, studies done by the University of Wyoming revealed that children on a high-fish diet were less likely to develop asthma and other respiratory conditions. This allows them to engage in exercise more.